| Project REGIOCLIMA "Regional Cooperation for Adaptation to Climate Change"
| Project "Promotion of Entrepreneurship among Young Specialists"
| Project "Establishing a network structure to support local SMEs in Bulgaria and Romania in the high technology sector through SMEs in the Liguria region"
| Project INOLINK "Connecting the Territory Through an Innovation Network
| Project COLUMBUS 3 "Promoting the Mobility of Young Entrepreneurs"
| Project BlasNet "Black Sea Network for Regional Cooperation"
| Project INNOMOT - Improving Regional Policies promoting and motivating non-technological Innovation in SMEs
| Project ClimAd "Adapting to Climate Change - Opportunities for Sustainable Development"
| Project DTP2-048-1.2. WOMEN IN BUSINESS - Fostering the Young Women Entrepreneurship in the Danube Region
| Project BG05M9OP001-1.023-0007-C01 “Fostering the Entrepreneurship among the Unemployed, Inactive and Employed Young People up to 29 years in the North-East Region of Bulgaria”
| Project DTP-SMF1-92 WE.DIGITAL - Digitally Skilled Women Entrepreneurs
| Project ATU 2019-1-BG01-KA203-062530 “Access to Universities for Persons with Disabilities”
| Project DTP3-656-1.2. D-CARE - Developing, piloting and validating smart care models in Danube region for supporting social innovation, improving competences and entrepreneurship
| Start2Up - Support for Business Start and Development