6 PROF. ASSEN ZLATAROV STR., OFFICE 3, VARNA       +359 52 802 163    OFFICE@RAPIV.ORG    

Project Expansion of Business Incubator - Varna to RAPIV

Project № BG161PO003-2.2.01-0019 "Expansion of Business Incubator - Varna to RAPIV" is implemented under the OP "Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013, Priority Axis 2: "Increasing the efficiency of enterprises and development of a favorable business environment "Co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.

The budget of the project is BGN 323 000 and the implementation period is 36 months.
The main objectives are:
• Assistance to SMEs from the Varna region by providing the appropriate infrastructure, a favorable information and technological environment and the respective supporting business services.
• Increasing the part of SME production in the gross product produced in the North-East region.
• Improving the competitiveness of companies in the region on the national and global markets.
• Assisting SMEs to move to a new market level: from the regional and national market to the international market.
• Assistance to local businesses to attract local and foreign investors.
• Building and strengthening the links between the academic, industrial and local administrations in order to develop innovative enterprises in the priority sectors of the area.

The expected results from the implementation of the project are related to the achievement of a comprehensive impact on the Varna region, aiming at harmonious and sustainable development, improving the quality of life, increasing the competitiveness of the companies from the national and international market, increasing the share of high-tech products and services in the GDP in the priority economic directions, improving the business infrastructure, fostering a favorable information and technological environment and relevant business support services for emerging and existing firms in the region of Varna, as well as improving the links between the academic and industrial community in the field of key markets.

The vision for the development of Business Incubator - Varna is to build up the favorable infrastructure, technology and information environment to support new emerging and / or existing technology SMEs.

Leading aspiration of the Business Incubator - Varna (BIV) is its validation as sustainable, market-oriented center supporting the development of technological and innovative SMEs in the North-East Region, providing lasting contacts between the academic and industrial community and the wider international contacts for companies from the region.

More information at: http://www.biv.rapiv.org/


6 Prof. Assen Zlatarov Str., office 3
Varna, Bulgaria

tel.: +359 882 809 178 
        +359 52 802 163


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